Meet our staff

Our award-winning physiotherapists bring global knowledge and expert care.

Through ongoing education, individualized care, and evidence-based treatments, we are proud to be one of the leading physiotherapy clinics in the Oshawa area.

 Ased is the Co-founder of North Simcoe Physiotherapy alongside his wife, Melissa. Ased works primarily as a consultant with the clinic while also working as a physiotherapist with Lakeridge Health Corporation. He specializes in helping clients who have neurological, geriatric, and musculoskeletal disorders. Ased is also a Registered Assistive Devices Program Authorizer and can assess clients, recommend appropriate devices for use and authorize their purchase to ensure government reimbursement. Once his workday ends, Ased enjoys playing with his children and working on various construction and decorating projects.

Ased Ali

Registered Physiotherapist, B.Sc Bio., B. HSc P.T.

Exceptionally skilled therapists awarded and certified by the most famous medical research universities around the globe, experienced by the most complicated cases they are here to help our patients. We’ve come together, united by our passion for working critically—and with curiosity, integrity and camaraderie.

Melissa Rudy
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